
Welcome to our Investor Information Center

Where you’ll find a broad range of data about the past, present and future of MedeFile’s activities and performance.

Investor FAQ


1. Where can I get information on the Company?
You can find this information on You may also contact Elite Financial Communications Group at 407-585-1080 or via email at [email protected].

2. Where is MedeFile incorporated?
MedeFile is incorporated in the State of Nevada.

3. Where is MedeFile’s corporate headquarters?
301 Yamato Road, Ste. 1200
Boca Raton, Fl. 33431 - 4920


4. Where does MedeFile’s common stock trade?
MedeFile’s common stock trades on the OTCQB under the symbol “MDFI”.

5.How do I purchase MedeFile’s common stock?
Since MedeFile does not have a direct stock purchase plan, you can buy shares of MDFI by contacting any retail stockbroker or through an online brokerage service. If you do not have a financial advisor or online trading account, please contact Elite Financial Communications Group at 407-585-1080 or via email at [email protected]. Elite would be happy to give you some broker recommendations to consider.

6. Does MedeFile pay a dividend on its common stock?
No, MedeFile does not pay a dividend on its common stock at this time.

7. When does MedeFile’s fiscal year end?
December 31.

8. I am a potential MedeFile shareholder. How may I receive an investor kit?
You can request information be mailed to you by visiting the Company’s web site. Or, you may also contact Elite Financial Communications Group at 407-585-1080 or via email at [email protected], and they would be happy to accommodate your request for information, address any questions you may have and/or add you to the Company’s email database to ensure you receive ongoing information about MedeFile International as soon as it becomes publicly available.

9. Who is MedeFile’s auditor?
MedeFile uses the firm of L.L. Bradford & Company, LLC as their auditors.

10. Who is MedeFile’s transfer agent and how do I contact them?
The Company’s transfer agent is Interwest Transfer Company, Inc. They can help with a wide variety of shareholder-related services. You should contact them for any of the following:

  • Change of address
  • Transfer ownership of stock
  • Request stock certificate(s)
  • Request individual account statement
  • Request replacement of lost stock certificate(s)

Interwest’s Contact Info:
Interwest Transfer Company, Inc.
1981 East Murray Holladay Road, Suite 100
P.O. Box 17136
Salt Lake City, Utah 84117
Tel: (801) 272-9294

MedeFile International, Inc. may from time to time provide links to independent websites on the Internet containing various content relative to our Company or our industry. We make no judgment or warranty with respect to the accuracy, timeliness or suitability of the content of other services or sites to which these screens link. A link to a service or site outside of the site on which you are currently located is not an endorsement of the service or site, its content, or its sponsoring organization. It is further understood that the materials provided on this site are for information purposes only, and any references to our specific publicly traded securities contained herein do not constitute recommendations to buy or sell our stock. Any investment you make in MedeFile will be based solely on your own evaluation of your financial circumstances and investment objectives.